The Cape & Islands Harbormasters Association is dedicated to the efficient operation, environmental protection and safety of our harbors and embayments through coordination and training.
The collective job of Harbormasters is BIG
Statistics gathered on recreational boating alone reflect the collective responsibility of Harbormasters
- The Massachusetts Waterfront Massachusetts has 1500 miles of saltwater coastline.
- Roughly 45 percent of Massachusetts' 10,555 square miles are in the saltwater coastal zone.
- Nearly 5 million Massachusetts residents, three-quarters of the state's population, live within 10 miles of the ocean. In addition, the state's boaters have access to nearly 1200 fresh and saltwater ramps and public access points to the state's countless freshwater lakes, streams and ponds.
- There are over 186,000 registered and Coast Guard documented boats in the State of Massachusetts.
- On any given high-season weekday, between 56,000 to 90,000 Massachusetts residents go boating on the state's waterways.
- On an average high-season weekend, the numbers of boaters enjoying recreational boating jumps to between 130,000 to 195,000.
- Massachusetts boaters' annual spending on new boats, engines, trailers, and accessories. $192,917,000
- Total estimated combined spending attributable to the recreational boating experience in Massachusetts = $1,700,000,000