The Menemsha Crossroad joins the North Road and takes one to the fishing village once known as Menemsha Creek. Here the draggers still come in with their great nets and the lobstermen land their catches. Seafood may be purchased on the spot. Lovely private vessels lie along the docks while yachtsmen take on fresh water and supplies. A safe public bathing beach is another attraction. Menemsha is also the home of a Coast Guard station.

Before the days when the Coast Guard looked out for shipwrecked fishermen, the Vineyarders formed volunteer groups that took open dories out into the storm in times of need. One of these craft, supplied by the Massachusetts Humane Society, was kept at Squibnocket Landing. This is the only beach on the south shore shallow enough for a boat to be launched or landed in heavy weather.

Cape Cod Fisherman's Alliance

Mass Environmental Police

U.S. Coast Guard
Cape Cod Office Contact Info

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 
New England District
696 Virginia Road
Concord, MA 01742